This story is worth sharing with your friends
It’s Why We Do What We Do
When the Heart is bigger than the sale
Before we start the race with team goals and our annual obsession to succeed, I want to pause and talk about what’s at stake.
Just a heads up – it isn’t the following:
or Commissions
These are all very important, but there’s something much BIGGER.
I met Agent E.J. Roberts four years ago when he brought his team from Mississippi to Atlanta to attend my Next Level Life Training Workshop.
Last year, he signed his team up for our Gold Team Coaching Series. That’s where I met (or reconnected) with Sarah.
She wrote a life case from a payment using our process.
Her only mistake was mentioning to me she had her own personal life insurance story.
I love stories, so I asked if she would share hers.
I thought I was ready, but I wasn’t. I sat in silence as she poured her heart out to me. It was so significant that I have to share it with you.
Sarah was a young married mother working as a waitress and making minimum wage in Mississippi.
One day, her husband became ill and had to be placed in the hospital. All of their family’s insurance benefits came from her husband’s job, so they had protection.
While still lying in his hospital bed, her husband’s company fired him for not being able to work. As ugly as that is, it’s legal in some states. There was no compassion. It doesn’t matter how healthy you think you are; anyone can become sick.
Sarah was stunned.
To make matters worse,
her husband never made it out of the hospital.
Now she’s alone with small children with a job that can’t support the family. The company she worked for had compassion and helped raise money to assist in offsetting some of the cost of the funeral.
Sarah’s a fighter, and she knew it was all up to her now. Either she steps forward to do something, or the family suffers even more.
She sacrificed and went back to school. That’s tough to do while working and raising a family all at the same time. “It was hard!” Nothing of significance comes easy.
She got a degree in accounting and thought that would help the family. However, no one would hire her because she didn’t have experience. Eventually, she became a property manager, and that’s where she happened to meet Mr. Roberts.
“Do you know how many people you could help
with your story?”
Sometimes, our steps are ordered without our knowledge. The answer may show up when we least expect it.
What are the odds that Sarah would be walking around with this powerful story on a job she didn’t care for and meet a man who knew the value of it? She’s been a valued and trusted member of E.J.’s team ever since.
When Sarah told me her story, she became emotional. She apologized, but there was no need – I was emotional, too. I was blown away by her willingness to share and even more so by her strength to persevere.
Strength doesn’t come from the body.
It comes from the will.
Her journey was very difficult, but it was secretly equipping Sarah with 3 wonderful words. These words can be a huge source of comfort to someone traveling a similar path and can serve as a lighthouse for anyone being tossed about in a stormy sea. Those words are: I’ve been there!
Sarah’s an inspiration.
She used her pain to help other women understand the danger of living without the certainty of owning their own life insurance.
No job will ever love our family the way we can.
This is Sarah with her agent, E.J. Roberts,
who loves his team.
After hearing her story, I did some research.
The average age of a widow in the United States is 59
~US Census
Among married women:
1/3rd become widows before age 60
50% before 65
58% of those 75 and older become widows.
Waiting to be a widow: What every woman should know
I’m glad I asked Sarah to share. I’ve been sitting on this story for months, waiting for the best time to share it with you.
Making money is good and necessary, but our real purpose is to serve and save families. You have the power to help someone today.
It’s why we do what we do!
Now that we have the proper perspective, I hope you have a wonderful year.
The Next Level Life Training Workshop
is coming to Birmingham, Alabama!
We’re still nailing down the details, so stay tuned.
Thank you for being here!