The Domino Effect
Greg Gaines
It usually surprises agents and team members that our success with coaching sales has nothing to do with selling. Instead, it’s all about SERVING.
The customer doesn’t really want to listen to the salesperson, nor do they have any interest in listening to the advisor. There’s someone far more powerful than either of those people – it’s the advocate. We all want the person who demonstrates that they’re working for US – not the sale!
Choose to be the advocate, my friend. Especially in times of distress, our greatest weapon for dealing with hurting people isn’t the sales process or the catchy, cute word track. It’s our compassion that makes the difference.
We should treat the customer the same way we would appreciate someone treating our spouse, children, parents, or siblings. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it can also have a domino effect on the customer.
Here’s a person who does just that. Meet Teddi
Teddi works in customer service and does a wonderful job. She’s been life licensed for 6-years and is a pivoting machine for her team. When it comes to pivoting, Teddi’s isn’t doing it for the sake of the sale. No, her motivation is to serve the customer by taking care of them.
This is an excerpt from her takeaway email following our recent coaching session.
Good afternoon, Greg,
I loved the reminder that we build trust through good customer service – and I really resonated with “Serve first, then put yourself in a position to serve deeper.”
In the midst of a VERY busy month, I worked a very complicated death claim which impacted several families that we had insured. I slowed down to meet with each family member and made recommendations to help them through this difficult situation.
This ended with several policies and opportunities that I’m still in the process of working on. It really is just the pause to take the time with the person in front of you and to slow down to take each opportunity. So I REALLY appreciated that reminder today.
The Domino effect of Teddi’s compassion.
- 2 Hospital Income policies
- 2 Life policies
- 5 Raw new autos
- The agency is investigating a possible business policy
- The case is still evolving
Bigger than all of those sales, is the fact that Teddi proved to be a port in the storm for this family. That’s a big heart at work, and I couldn’t be more proud of her! Way to go Teddi!
Now back to you. The opportunity is sitting right there in front of you, friends. TAKE IT!