The Emergence of the “Newbie” 4 Steps to Adopt NOW!

Sep 27, 2023 | Announcements

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Greg, I have new people. They’re afraid, and teaching them how to sell life insurance is hard!
It can be, especially if you’re teaching the techniques of 100 years ago.

Most of us learned from someone who someone taught, and so on. Some of those lessons are decades old; unfortunately, we become locked into what’s “supposed” to happen. The problem is that our brain works differently than how we were taught.

Here are some lessons from the past.

1. Impress the customer with your title.
2. Be the expert. Dazzle them with your brilliance. After all, you’re the expert; they need to know it!
3. Overwhelm them with information.
4. Use emotional tactics to frighten them with dire consequences if they refuse to move forward.
5. Outsmart them with slick word tracks or intimidate them by holding their words against them.
6. Believe that the longer the meeting, the better the opportunity to close the sale.

These lessons are taught every day.  I learned them too, but I don’t teach them.

What we believe:

Do for others

what we would appreciate

someone doing for our family.

4 Steps to Adopt NOW 

1. Stop selling and start serving.
Up to 35% of families can’t make it one month without suffering real financial pain following the loss of a breadwinner. 10% wouldn’t make it 7 days.  Life insurance isn’t just a policy; it’s a wonderful tool to serve and save families.


2. Get a simple process that anybody can do – ANYBODY.
Even those who are brand new.


3. We need clarity for both the team member and the customer.


4. Brevity is a must.
According to Microsoft, the average attention span of adults is 8 seconds. Why would they hang around for a 30 – 45 minute talk about insurance that confuses them?


Our life insurance conversation takes less than 5 minutes, and everybody understands – EVERYBODY.  It’s so simple that if you can read it – you can do it and that’s even if you’ve only been in the business 15 minutes.


Yeah, Greg, that sounds good, but what about the experience? Most people need years in the business before they begin to produce well.


Really?   Who told you that?  Meet Shakira

Shakira got her life license on July 25th. 

She is still learning, but she’s absolutely OWNING the pivoting process. 

She’s a pivoting machine!  And it’s putting her in a position to win! 

These numbers were adjusted down to account for cases that won’t be issued until the next month.  She’s on fire!





As great as that story is, it isn’t just Shakira, Meet Jason. 


Jason got his life license in April.


“Before I was just vomiting up the words to the customer, but this just makes it so easy. 


I just step through the process and I don’t add anything – and it’s working!”



For both of these team members, this is their September 2023 Production only (as of September 26th).  It’s remarkable, and I’m very proud of them.   Do you have to write as much as Shakira or Jason to be successful? No. This isn’t a competition, we want your best. I’m just as proud of Jason as I am of Shakira.

What you’re thinking now: How is that possible?

I confess the game is rigged. Both Shakira and Jason are in our Gold team coaching series for teams new to our process.  But they’re doing something very unconventional to produce these results. You won’t believe it because it’s CRAZY!

They’re following the process!

It really is that simple. They’re not re-inventing anything; they’re just following what we teach. And guess what:

  • The customer is better served,

  • The team member does better,

  • The team does better. That’s a win-Win-WIN!

We’re not great. We just care.

For more stories like this, find me here:

January will be here in 12 minutes.
We have limited space, but if you’re interested in being added to our waitlist for team coaching for 2024 or serving as a host for our Next Level Life Training workshop – contact me here:

Thank you for being here!