I was about 10 years old. I knew how to swim, but I could be stronger, so I took swimming lessons during the summer. Eventually, I progressed, so the instructor permitted me to dive from the high dive platform.
This was my view.
I was terrified of the”monster”. The instructor called from the pool deck below, “Gaines! You can do it!”
It didn’t matter what she said. The enemy wasn’t the water or the diving platform. It was my inner voice, which was screaming you can’t do this!
My brain is just like yours; it hates new. It loves old, familiar, and convenient – even if it’s ineffective. It’s the reason most plans fail. The brain defaults to the past – unless you’re willing to fight it.
Eventually, I had a showdown with myself and turned the page.
If other people could do it and not die, so can I.
After a few failed attempts, I walked up to the platform and, without hesitation, charged off into the water. I survived! I found that I was still breathing, then I became excited.
Once that happened, they couldn’t keep me off the platform. A couple of the other brave soldiers and I eventually made a game of it and raced to the platform.
I remember some of the other children who remained paralyzed by the monster. They never challenged their fear, so they stayed where they were.
You may think I’ve been talking about myself with this message. The story is true, but I’m really talking about you.
Waiting Encourages Fear
At the end of our Next Level Life Training Workshops, I challenge all attendees to do it now – not later. One of the enemies of our success is trying. Yoda was right:
It’s do or do not,
there is no try!
We must commit to DOING.
Either we force ourselves to move or risk being pulled back to the dark side of doing less than our best.
Meet Kayla!
- She attended our workshop in Valdosta in August.
- She’s been life-licensed for about a year.
- Most of her cases were previously Term insurance – which is perfectly fine for anyone who needs it.
According to Harvard Business Review, only 12% of those attending training sessions use what they learned.
The other 88% come to the meeting and take notes, just like the 12%, but never move forward. They return to old, familiar, and convenient because they’re comfortable. There can be no growth with that mindset.
Kayla made herself a part of the 12%. She went to work!
Good morning Greg.
I just wanted to share some positive news. I am so glad that I could attend the workshop in Valdosta and learn such an amazing way to present Life insurance to a customer so that it is better understood.
The life template or the “chart” I call it, has been a positive impact for me. I have had 3 great conversations by just sharing the template, letting them decide which option(s) look better for them, and going over what is most important for them for their family.
I have submitted six applications from these 3 conversations. Two of these were in-person conversations, and one was by phone. I was VERY nervous my 1st time presenting it but now I always ask can you give me just a few minutes to look at this with you.
In my opinion, it just puts the options we have available in a different perspective for the customer. It lets them know we are willing to help them and not just trying to make a sale. Thank you, thank you. I have thanked my agent so much for taking us to the workshop.
What a blessing for me to be able to help people. I have been in a position where I had to tell a family member I was sorry, but they do not have life insurance. I have also witnessed a family receiving this benefit after a family loss. Those were two days I will never forget!!
Just like that diving story above, Kayla was nervous but pushed herself forward. I asked her about her confidence now.
I feel very good. I am not perfect, but I am here to help and serve. I want to treat others as I would want to be treated!
Way to go, Kayla! I am so proud of you!
It doesn’t matter how long or not so long you’ve been in the business. We aren’t just for beginners. Simplicity is a force.
We have people who’ve been in the business for over 30 years who had big breakthroughs by using our system of simplicity.
For more stories about personal achievement, find me here:
Thank you for being here!