Greg Gaines
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The Power of Encouragement
We need more than a word track
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Theresa
This picture was taken at the end of 2022.
If my calendar cooperates, I’ll visit an agency that did well by following the process at the end of the year. I’ll interview the agent, but sometimes I’ll also interview a team member or two who surprised themselves.
I love this picture because it frames the joy of winning when you didn’t think you could.
This is a story about Elicia W.
from the Customer Service team.
When I started coaching her team, she didn’t have her life license. A revolution happened in that agency, but we’ll save that for another time.
I’m writing about Elicia’s journey and its influence on her and, eventually, me. Although she may not have had her life license, she believed in the power of life insurance.
Elicia W. Customer Service / Sales
Once she got her life license, she started taking small steps forward but still had strong doubts.
I’m sure she was tired of hearing me say You have more than you know.
If she wrote a policy, she would say I was lucky, which drove me up the wall!
You’re not lucky!
You were prepared and positioned to serve, and then you stepped forward.
That’s not luck, that’s ownership.
You cared enough to lean in, and you did a great job!
When her agent felt comfortable enough to make Elicia’s goal 2 policies a month, she doubted she could do that too. Then she did it.
Elicia had a good year and finished with over $13,000 in annual premiums. It was above what she thought she could do, and she felt good about her progress.
She started the year with a rough January and finished the month with no life apps on the board. During our February session, I ended it with a Come to Jesus message. It had nothing to do with my faith; it was about Getting back up again! Yesterday doesn’t matter! Apparently, it got through to Elicia, who emailed me this takeaway message.
It felt like you were talking to me.
~Elicia W.
I wasn’t speaking directly to her; I was speaking to anyone who needed to hear it, including agents. Elicia heard it and did what she was supposed to do.
1. She took ownership of her path. (No one is coming to save you; it’s up to you)
2. She didn’t allow herself to fall victim to comparison-itis (It’s never about other people).
3. She took those earrings off, pulled her hair back, and went to work!
Annual Life Premium
Please note that I didn’t call to check to see if she was working. I don’t do that; we coach adults.
We already have a very simple and easy process in place. So, I didn’t give her a new slick word track or some flashy new sales process to trick the customer into buying. She didn’t have to sell anyone; all she had to do was serve them deeper using what we teach.
Elicia started leading with her heart, and she got it done by taking care of the customer. It’s not about how much she wrote; it’s all about how much she grew!
Look at this leap!
Elicia did this by leading from the Customer Service / Sales position.
“Greg, what I like about your coaching is that you’re one of us.
You’re not acting like you’re above us; you’re with us.”
I consider that a wonderful compliment. Now, to be clear, Elicia was just being nice; she probably can’t stand me, but I love her. I’m inspired by the heart of anyone who rises to challenge themselves, and she’s doing that. She didn’t have to become anyone else. She’s enough already. All we needed was all of her, and she stepped forward. I’m so proud of her!
Stories like Elicia’s encourage me to do what I do. I hope you found her story encouraging, too.
We rise by lifting others.
~ Robert Ingersoll
No matter what you’re going through, friends,
Get back up again!
To read more stories of personal achievement, find me here: