The Truth About Experience

Oct 25, 2023 | Announcements

Greg Gaines


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The Truth About Experience

4 Myths to Overcome

Myth #1:  My lack of experience makes it impossible to succeed in this business.


Meet Allie.

She joined our Coaching Series late – really late!  Her agent followed the process for onboarding a newbie.


I hired Allie as a Life Specialist on July 1st.


She got life-licensed on August 1st. I had her watch your videos and meet with me to talk about takeaways after each.


I had her sit in on two appointments with me, and then she flourished, ending the month with $377 monthly = $4524 Annual premium.

Allie isn’t spending any time fighting the process – she’s just following it and having big success.


Myth #2:  I have enough experience already,  so I don’t need any training.

Even Michael Jordan or Tom Brady needed a coach!  4 words you’ll never hear a Super Producer say – I already know that. They’re always open to learning more to improve their craft.


Meet Sherri.

She’s one of the troublemakers in our Gold program.

Sherri had performed well for 14 years, but term conversions were an issue.

We have an easy process, and all you have to do is follow through. Sherri listened, embraced what was there, and took off!


That October number is what she did in two weeks.


Myth #3  I need advanced training to sell a large case.

What the customer needs is clarity and an easy process to make a quality decision for their family. It doesn’t have to be an advanced or complex concept.


Meet Kathy.

We met at a workshop hosted by her agent last year.

She shared our concept with a real estate entrepreneur months ago, but he never forgot what she shared.


He came back and bought a large 15-Pay Whole Life policy. The conversation only took a few minutes.

She kept it simple, and the customer couldn’t deny the value.


Myth #4  Older people won’t buy from me, and they certainly won’t pay high premiums.

This is false.  However, we have to acknowledge that everyone, regardless of age can’t pay high premiums. They must be in a financial position to pay the premium.


Meet Gabe.


His customer is 70 years old and owns a business.  Despite meeting and talking with them over the years about their term policy.


The rubber didn’t hit the road until they learned their new term premium would be 8 times higher!


Thanks to Gabe, he has a plan for his family now.


These cases all happened in a very turbulent 2023.

That’s because it’s not about the environment; it’s about the opportunity.   The only limitations are the ones we bring to the table, friends.  This story isn’t about the premium. The big numbers are great, and we celebrate those who stepped forward, but what’s most important is that they protected a family.


For more stories like this, find us here:

We’re nearly sold out for our first Workshop of the season

Our first Life Training Workshop is just around the corner in Orlando, FL (the Lake Mary area). I would strongly encourage you to send your team if you’re in the area.



What you’ll learn:

*Our 5-minute life sales conversation that anybody can do – ANYBODY. If you can read it, you can do it.

*How to talk less – sell more and write more premium

*The EASY Life Needs Analysis

*Plenty of practice to gain comfort in serving the customer well with Life Insurance.

When: Thursday, November 9th

Where: Hyatt Place, Lake Mary, FL

Cost: $200 per person.


How can I buy seats for my team?

For your convenience, we’re providing two identical sessions to give cover to the agency.

*Session A (9 am – 12 noon) SOLD OUT

*Session B (1 pm to 4 pm):

We are down to a handful of seats. Once they’re gone – they’re gone.

If you want to host a workshop in your area, or you want to get on our team coaching list for 2024,

contact me here:



**Soon, we will re-open our website to accept new agents for team coaching**

We’re sold out for our team coaching for 2023, but 2024 will be here in 11 minutes.   We have limited space, so don’t miss it.  If you’re interested, contact us now by finding me here:


Thank you for being here!